
What is LettsCore? Listen to the Podcast
A podcast discussing LettsCore and its potential to change the way we manage and monetise content and media with Web3....
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LettsCore providing infrastructure for AI with smart content signatures
Generative AI can seem like magic or murder - copyright murder. Image generators such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, or DALL·E 2 can produce remarkable visuals in styles from aged photographs and water colours to pencil drawings and Pointillism. The resulting products can be fascinating as both q...
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The Content Management System for Web3
Overview In today's digital age content is king.  Whether it is blog posts, social media updates, websites or within enterprises.  The content that is created has the power to engage, inform and inspire your audience.  Content communicates information, and in today's digital world the...
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Web3 CMS
Web3 is the third generation of the World Wide Web, and it is focused on providing a more decentralized and interactive online experience. One aspect of Web3 is the use of decentralized content management systems, or DCMSs, which are content management systems that are built on decentralized technol...
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Content API
An application programming interface, or API, is a set of rules and protocols that govern how different software systems can communicate with each other. In the context of a headless content management system (CMS), an API allows users to access and manage their digital content, such as text, images...
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Smart Contracts
A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code and the agreements contained therein exist on the blockchain network. Smart contracts allow for the automation of the contract execution process,...
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A blockchain is a decentralized, digital ledger that records transactions on multiple computers, called nodes, in a way that allows the data to be transparent, secure, and unchangeable. Each "block" in the chain contains a record of multiple transactions, and once a block is added to the chain, the ...
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Inter Planetary File System, or IPFS, is a way to store and share digital information in a decentralized manner. Instead of relying on a single server or computer to hold all the data, IPFS uses a network of computers, called nodes, to store and share the data across the network. This means that the...
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